Thursday, March 29, 2012

Have you ever thought to yourself that you are just okay?
Okay with how your life is, and just grateful for it.
Grateful for what you have, for what you love, and for what loves you.
I'm okay with the way my life is, I mean It's definitely not perfect, but it sure could be worse.
I try to strive for better and learn upon others mistakes.
I want to have an amazing life to come and to always help and serve others too.
To give back. One thing that I love to do, is to give.
Seeing the joy on someone's face after they have opened up a present, a card, something so little, or that dollar that you give to someone on the side of the road, is something that can never be taken back. It's always worth it.
So I'm okay. I'm okay with the things that I have in my life, and the way my life is.
I'm also okay with change. Change is always great. But I know in time, it will come.
But I'm also just happy right now.
I'd like to start off with writing my exact feeling at this moment. And the very first word that comes to mind is "waiting". I guess I'm just waiting to see what is going to happen in my near and dear future. I will be starting college in the fall. And who knows what will happen then, but I feel like my life will have a big change soon. Bigger than college. Hmm... who knows?

Monday, March 19, 2012

You are purely, the most ridiculous person I have ever met. And I love it.


It's amazing how much a person can change in the little time of two months.
The drastic change of beliefs, looks on life, and the perception of people.
Their style, their taste in music, and the things they like.
Not wanting to deal with the artificial personality's people make, just wanting to deal with the "real" person.